Feature Question for December 2010
How does Classical music play a part of Dr. Condoleezza Rice’s life and what musical instrument does she play?
Feature Question for November 2010
How does music play a part of Carl Sandburg’s life as a biographer, historian and poet and what instruments did he play?
Feature Question for October 2010
How did Classical music play a part of Sir Edward Heath’s life as Prime Minister of Great Britain and what musical instruments did he play?
Feature Question for September 2010
How does music play a part of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s life as an author and musician and what instruments did he play?
Feature Question for August 2010
The first 5 minutes of your new class sets the mood for the entire school year. What do you need to do on your very First Day of school?
Feature Question for July 2010
What are the 3 secrets Dr. Albert Einstein and I learned from studying the violin and what three things can you do to find your inspiration and solve your problems?
Feature Question for June 2010
How does Music play a part of Mark Twain’s life as an author and musician and what instruments did he play?
Feature Question for May 2010
How did Classical Music play a part of Romayne Leader Frank’s life as a lawyer, counselor, family advocate, mother and grandmother and what instruments did she play?
Feature Question for April 2010
Dr. Nesim Halyo how does Classical Music play a part of your life as a scientist and engineer and what instruments do you play?
Feature Question for March 2010
How does Classical Music play a part of George Bernard Shaw’s life and what instrument did he play?
Feature Question for February 2010
How does Classical Music play a part of Dr. Robert J. Frank’s life and what instrument did he play?
January 2010 Feature Question
How does Classical Music play a part of President Harry Truman’s life and what instrument did he play?