Our blog/article and Radio Show features Shalni Kumar our “Top University Graduate” Award winner of 2019. Also included are three articles on how studying a musical instrument improves academic performance, how listening to classical music improves health and healing, and an article on improving your child’s study
Read more →We are dedicating this Father’s Day to honoring men who are restauranteurs, business persons, scientists, medical doctors, engineers, mathematicians, teachers, and musicians. These eminent individuals have integrated music into their thinking process. Music is a powerful tool for motivating, inspiring, educating and soothing pain. Remember no one
Read more →We are dedicating this Mother’s Day blog to Mothers, who are their children’s role models and teachers, putting their children’s welfare first. One mother recently said, “Mothers are the quiet unsung heroes!” Mothers are more concerned about their children’s needs than their own. Music is a powerful
Read more →Our Radio Show and blog celebrate the extraordinary life and work of Yoshiko Nakura, teacher, mentor, and musician. Included are two articles on the power of classical music for education and healing. Our article of the month is “Great Leaders Just Do A Little Bit More” by Madeline Frank,
Read more →Our Radio Show and blog celebrate the extraordinary life and work of Raphael Hillyer, teacher, mentor, and musician. Included are two articles on the power of classical music for education and healing. Our article of the month is “Spread Good Will” by Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM. March is music
Read more →Dr. Rene Laennec, French Physician, Researcher, Teacher & Musician: Madeline’s Monthly Blog/Article for February 2019 Our Radio Show and blog celebrates the extraordinary life and work of Dr.Rene Laennec, French physician, inventor of the Stethoscope, researcher, teacher, musician, and husband. Our article of the month is “Leaders Walk Slowly” by
Read more →Our Radio Show and blog celebrates the extraordinary life and work of Dr. Edward Jenner, English physician, created the smallpox vaccination, researcher, geologist, musician, husband and father. Our article of the month is “3 Characteristics to Help You Become a Great Generous Leader” by Madeline Frank, Ph.D. Included are 2 short articles
Read more →Radio Show Feature Question for December 2019: How does studying a musical instrument improve academic and societal success for students? Radio Show Feature Question for November 2019: How does studying a musical instrument make good scientists? Radio Show Feature Question for October 2019: How does classical music
Read more →Our Radio Show and blog celebrates the extraordinary life and work of Dr. William Withering, English medical doctor who discovered digitalis, botanist, chemist, geologist, musician, husband and father. Our article of the month is “Mahatma Gandhi’s Leadership Lesson” by Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM. Included are two articles on how listening
Read more →Our Radio Show and blog celebrates the extraordinary life and work of trailblazer Dr.May Edward Chinn, medical doctor, cancer researcher, and musician. Our article of the month is “The Hotel that Humility Built” by Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM. Without the Waldorf Astoria Video sent by teacher and mentor Bernice Victor
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