Our holidays, Thanksgiving and Chanukah are fast approaching. Let us give thanks for the blessings we have been given. Our web site has a new look and a new server. Please re-sign up for your newsletter and radio show at https://www.madelinefrankviola.com By playing Classical music in your
Read more →Feature Question for December 2013 Dr. James “Jim” Nicholas how does Classical music play a part of your life as a firefighter, former news caster and radio announcer, teacher, composer, editor, amateur botanist and what musical instrument do you play? Feature Question for November 2013 Mrs. Nancy
Read more →Feature Question for December 2012 How did Classical music play a part of Laurence Edward Alan “Laurie” Lee’s life as a poet, author, screen writer, musician, father of two daughters, and grandfather and what musical instruments did he play? Feature Question for November 2012 Allan M. Berger
Read more →Feature Question for December 2011 How did Classical music play a part Dorothy Sayers life as a mystery author and what musical instruments did she play? Feature Question for November 2011 How did Classical music play a part of Dr. Max Born’s life as a physicists and
Read more →Feature Question for December 2010 How does Classical music play a part of Dr. Condoleezza Rice’s life and what musical instrument does she play? Feature Question for November 2010 How does music play a part of Carl Sandburg’s life as a biographer, historian and poet and what
Read more →December 2009 Feature Question Elizabeth Hamilton what would your ideal model of a school and classroom look like including Classical music in the background, the pledge of allegiance, prayer and how long would the school day be, and what are the best schools you have worked in and why? December
Read more →December 2008 Feature Question How did classical music play a part in Hedy Lamarr and George Antheil’s invention of their “Secret Communication System”, the early form of spectrum? November 2008 Feature Question How long did Judith Resnik practice her piano each day and what were her SAT
Read more →December 2007 Feature Question How did Albert Einstein conceive his “Theory of Relativity?” November 2007 Feature Question Why is Classical music being played in hospitals? October 2007 Feature Question How can Classical music enrich you and your families life and how does it work?
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