We are dedicating this Father’s Day to honoring men who are scientists, medical doctors, engineers, mathematicians, teachers, writers and musicians. These eminent individuals have integrated music into their thinking process. Music is a powerful tool for motivating, inspiring, educating and soothing pain. Remember no one is immune
Read more →We are dedicating this Mother’s Day blog to honoring women who are scientists, medical doctors, engineers, mathematicians, teachers, writers and musicians. These eminent individuals have integrated music into their thinking process. One mother recently said, “Mothers are the quiet unsung heroes!” Mothers are more concerned about their
Read more →Many of the world’s scientists, medical doctors, engineers, mathematicians, teachers and writers have studied and played musical instruments since they were children. These eminent individuals have integrated music into their thinking process. Music is a powerful tool for motivating, inspiring, educating and soothing pain. Our article of
Read more →We want to wish all of our readers a Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and Passover! Remember March is “Music in Our Schools Month” so start your day right by listening to Classical music which has the power to improve your mood, make you smarter, help you
Read more →We want to wish all of our readers a Happy Valentine’s Day! Remember to start your Romantic Day right by listening to Classical music which has the power to improve your mood, make you smarter, help you work faster with more accuracy, improves health and healing, grows
Read more →We want to wish all of our readers a Happy and Healthy New Year! Remember to start your New Year right by listening to Classical music which has the power to make you smarter, help you work faster with more accuracy, improves health and healing, grows healthier
Read more →Madeline’s Monthly Article & Musical Tips Blog For December 2012 We want to wish all of our readers a very Happy and Healthy Chanukah, Christmas, and New Year. Remember to start your day right by listening to Classical music. No one is immune from the power of
Read more →We wish all our readers a very Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving. Classical music has the power to motivate, inspire, educate and soothe pain. Our article of the month is “Are You Wearing Blinders for This Election?” by Madeline Frank, Ph.D. Our blog features Allan M. Berger Certified Public Accountant,
Read more →October 2012 is the sixth Anniversary of “Madeline’s Monthly Article & Musical Tips Blog” and the Fifth Anniversary of “Madeline’s One Minute Musical Radio Show”. Our blog features Margaret Truman an American singer, radio and TV personality, biographer, mystery author, mother and grandmother. Margaret Truman was the
Read more →We are beginning a new school year which is a new opportunity to begin using classical music in the classrooms during class and in the hallways and on school buses to and from school. Classical music playing in the back ground helps students to relax, allowing them
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